The dark brown immature bird is almost skua-like in plumage and was a bold as the waders on the shore. It's the first immature heermann's that I'd seen and none were encountered further north in San Francisco.
The non-breeding bird was on the pier (head-shot photograph), waiting for food hand-outs no doubt.
Several breeding adults were also present - I love the plumage - airbrushed qulity to the grey body and white head, vibrant red bill - very striking!
Is that 'Here, man, look at this gull'!
missed a trick with the post header I guess!
Didn't take any video John did you?
If yes maybe you would consider donatinga copy to this little project http://laridae.blogspot.com
Sorry, no video, I struggle to take a photograph never mind anything else! A few more pacific gull sp. will appear on the blog soon...
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