It certainly is. Arrived back in the UK on Sunday 11th mid afternoon and spent the rest of the day trying to get back into "normal mode". Retired to bed early evening and woke up at 03.30 - jet lag has set in!
Ok, down to business - here's a rough list of the species seen while I was away. Departed UK on 29th December for 2 nights in Los Angeles - birding was restricted to a morning at Santa Monica beach, then onto Hawaii (the Big Island) for seven nights at the Hilton Waikoloa Village. During the stay on Hawai'i we were able to take a full day excursion with Hawai'i Forest & Trail to the permit only Hakalau reserve - more on this great biring day in another post. Departing Hawaii on the morning of the 7th we headed to San Francisco for 3 nights via a few hours stop over at Honolulu on Oahu.
I've taken a heap of photographs, these will creep onto the blog over the next few weeks.
The unofficial "list", probably with spelling mistakes etc:
- great white egret
- american crow
- anna's hummingbird
- black phoebe
- yellow rumped warbler
- western gull
- western scrub jay
- bushtit
- house sparrow
- starling
- mourning dove
- sanderling
- brewers blackbird
- heermann's gull
- double crested cormorant
- brandt's cormorant
- pacific diver
- surf scoter
- marbled godwit
- willet
- brown pelican
- glaucous-winged gull (SM/Hawaii (Waikoloa imm on 3rd Jan, rare but annual on Big Island)/SF))
- herring gull
- forster's tern
- california gull
- common myna
- nutmeg mannikin
- spotted dove
- zebra dove
- pacific golden plover - unbelievably common and tame on Hawaii: car parks, grass verges on roads, garage roofs.... !
- saffron finch
- wandering tattler
- black-crowned night heron
- japanese white-eye
- yellow billed cardinal
- northern cardinal
- african silverbill
- bristle-thighed curlew (star bird on trip, single at Waikoloa throughout stay - oblivious to humans, many, many photographs taken!!)
- short-eared ("hawaiian") owl - seen at close range on Saddle Road
- ring-necked pheasant (inc green morph)
- erckel's francolin
- skylark
- hawaiian hawk - pale and dark morph seen
- wild turkey
- kalij pheasant
- red-billed leiothrix
- house finch
- yellow fronted canary
- 'elepaiao - ridgwayi form
- 'omao
- 'akepa
- 'amakihi
- hawaiian creeper
- 'apanane
- 'i'wii
- nene
- java sparrow
- ruddy turnstone
- hawaiian stilt - 5 on pools north of hotel
- grey francolin
- red-vented bulbul
- red-whiskered bulbul
- red-crested cardinal
- mew gull
- ring-billed gull
- western grebe
- orange-crowned warbler
- red-masked parakeet
- great blue heron
- greater scaup
- ruddy duck
- bufflehead
- pied billed grebe
- eared (black-necked) grebe
- killdeer
- least sandpiper
- song sparrow
- white-crowned sparrow
- goldened-crowned sparrow
- california towhee
- american coot
- snowy egret
- northern mockingbird
- red-winged blackbird
- mallard
- canada goose
- chestnut backed chickadee
- american robin
- common yellowthroat
- townsends warbler
- ruby crowned kinglet
- dark eyed junco
- hermit thrush
- raven
- red-tailed hawk
- red-shouldered hawk
- american wigeon
- pygmy nuthatch
- red-breasted nuthatch
Annoyingly 'akiapola'au was only heard in Hakalau.
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