Wednesday 18 March 2009

Pigeon Post

Charlie Moores recent account of emerald dove on the 10000 birds website reminded me of my trip to Singapore in 2007. I didn't manage to see emerald dove on my visit, but I did see plenty of these - pink-necked green pigeon. Very common but delightfully pretty. Beats the UK's wood pigeon hands down in my book (two of which are in my garden now, vacuuming all the bird seed off the bird table!)

The Davison and Fook (oo-er!) photographic guide to birds of peninsular Malaysia and Singapore describes PNGP as "chubby" and "enormously common". I like that.

The bird featured here was feeding in our hotel garden one afternoon, in city centre grounds that also attracted blue-crowned hanging parrot, asian koel, common iora and plain-throated sunbirds. Nice.

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