At the forest there must have been some sort of quad bike do as there were a load of folk thrashing about.
It did not take long for the crossbill to appear - a pair on top of the gibbet, so I made my way over to a suitable vantage point with the camera and waited. And waited. While hunched on the cold wet ground I had further great views, this time of a pair sitting proud in the conifers above my parked car!
Alas, luck was not with me today, so the image to the right is a reminder why I made the effort in the first place - arn't crossbill a cracking species?! This image was taken at Druridge Bay Country Park in February 2006 when a small party over wintered. Camera body was the trusty 10D...
Thats a cracking crosser pic....
Cheers Gary. Cracking birds xbills!
Great birds. I saw some a few years ago when I was in Northumberland.
Seventeen Oystercatcher on W/Hartford tonight, but naff all else!!
Nice Crossbill shot, I have some very similar ones but from the the side of the Eurasian landmass......
Awesome shot of the Crossbill!
Sorry I meant to type 'this side of the Eurasian land mass' not 'the side'. Oops.
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