A late afternoon visit to West Hartford to check for SEO - sadly absent today despite a light snow cover.
However, a quick scan of the pools revealed a single Snow Goose with nine Grey-Lag Geese. Ok, a presumed escape, but still a nice suprise and "new" bird on the patch. As usual I had chosen to check the fields from the A192 just south of the pools, so after a quick scope of the goose (confirming Snow as opposed to Ross's - long necked, big grinning patch on bill and size approximatley the same as a Pink-footed Goose) I drove to the "business park" entrance, set up the camera and set off for a closer look. Regretfully this area is a popular spot with dog-walkers, and sure enough there was a chap and unleeshed and hyper-active spaniel ahead... despite upping my pace (well, as much as I could with the camera!) the dog got to the pool first and up went the geese (must be wild birds eh!!??) - so apologies for the dismal "record" shots - I promise not to post any more. Three images posted, one is a huge crop to try and give a better view with a single grey-lag. The geese initially headed west, then banked back and headed off south-east into the ever darkening sky. Maybe it will roost at Holywell?
1 comment:
The flock might come back over night. I hope. please!
I will still try tommorow morning, cheers.
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