A quick hour (or 4, oops) at St Mary's Wetland produced some pleasing images of the calling Hume's. The bird was feeding activley on insects, some of which can be seen on an image above. Toppled with some good conversation with some of Northumberlands regulars, a most pleasant trip was had.
was there both the Hume's leaf and yellow browed warbler around 1:15 ish today because a few of the people there were saying that they where there at the same time.
I saw you point out the humes and im sure thats what I saw but Im still confused. I can't anwser for a few days if you reply.
cheers for adding me to your blog list.
I think there was only one bird today - Hume's. A second "call" heard was someone with an MP3 player on the other side of the bushes!. This bird is quite a bright bird, but not as "rich" as a yellow-brow. There are greyish tones to the crown and mantle. Call was confirmed by several very experienced Northumberland birders.
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