Sunday 12 February 2012

Back to Bass

Should have taken the 500mm ~ sat for a while but any attempt to get closer and it's off!

With all the excitement of Saturdays trip and a selection of fine ale in the evening, Sunday dawned dull and late ~ 11:15 to be precise! Several cups of coffee, a read through the 2010 issue of "Birds in Northumbria" and an investigative text to GM defined the reduced hours availability for birding - back to Bassington.

Twenty steps in, and with bullfinch, goldfinch, greenfinch, chaffinch, blue tit and great tit already in the bag, the purpose of the mission was complete - up flew the female green woodpecker from the track. Green wood is annual in Cramlington, probably overlooked, and most often heard at Arcot in the Spring. So an apparent wintering bird is to be savoured. Very flighty, doing a circuit round the "reserve"... It's a gem of a spot - small and full of birdlife, a site to watch...

The glorious sights of Bassington NR - the flooded area behind the fence in the SW corner could be interesting...

In addition to the species already mentioned, a great-spotted woodpecker was calling, while blackbird and song thrush were also noted.



  1. I think you done well, not an easy species to photograph. Nice colours and lighting on the 2nd shot.

  2. love the first image John very nice bird one im yet to see.
