Saturday 23 April 2011

Grass & Wheat

Spent some time at West Hartford this sunny morning. On the pool a single ringed plover was nice, until the arrival of some rival shelduck (6 birds today) created some disturbance and it flew east. One redshank also made an appearance, though there was no sign of the green sandpiper.

Warblers have arrived in good numbers, with chiffchaff, willow warbler, whitethroat, blackcap singing away, and at least 4 reeling grasshopper warbler. The grasshopper warblers have only just started to sing, and they were more off than on - prolonged singing should kick in over the next few days. No sedge warbler that I could hear (although they are back at Arcot). House martin intermingled with the barn swallow - no swift (or bee-eater!) yet...

Species of the day was northern wheatear - three males and a female at the end of the road this morning. Not the easiest species to pick up in Cramlington, generally a spring pass-through.


  1. Nice shot on the burnt stump John.

  2. Cheers Alan, strange how some birds are attracted to fly-tipped rubbish!
