Saturday 22 January 2011

From the archive: January 2004

American Robin, Grimsby, 10th January 2004
I'm not getting out as much as I'd like this week ~ a new central heating installation and some overtime being worked is limiting free time. Mid-week I dipped the Blyth Harbour red-necked grebe and snow buntings, while the Morpeth hawfinches remain out of reach...

The image above was digi-scoped with a 4 mega-pixel nikon coolpix 4500 ~ much photoshop work has been done to reduce noise from the low light conditions that prevailed on my visit, and the un-edited jpeg file was very soft and washed-out ~ here's a thumbnail of the original:

One of those "wishIhadhadmycurrentcameraequipentthen" moments - the slow response of the coolpix focus and shutter response was a real pain, especially when the robin was feeding.


  1. Ancient digiscoping rig or not, it is a great image...........

  2. Ta Stu, it's always fun to dig out the old images and give them a make-over in photoshop... something to do on the long dark winter days!
