Tuesday 26 October 2010

Still here!

It's been a quiet few days for me - with nightshift over I was looking forward to a few days off - the majority of the birding news has been on the north-west coast / islands of Scotland as masses of waxwing arrive. Northumberland is getting a fair few now, and I expect to bump into some very soon.

Mid afternoon reports of great spotted cuckoo at Bellasis Bridge seem a little odd - but who knows? Maybe it'll be a visit tomorrow afternoon?

Birdwise for me the highlight has been a garden second record - but don't get too excited... a pair of chaffinch! The seed trays are being emptied daily by visiting wood pigeon, collared dove, coal tit and a healthy 20+ flock of house sparrow ~ hopefully the chaffinch will stick.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get lots of Waxwing, my first ever ones in the UK were at Washington WWT.........

    Most years they visit our town (2 species) but usually not til late January.........
