Monday 11 October 2010

No Parking! ...Shorelark at Tynemouth

Re-visited Tynemouth this morning for another attempt at the shorelark that eluded me yesterday. The bird had become faithful to a small lawn adjacent Oxford Street car park. Quite surreal...!

A quick walk down to the priory provided hearings but not sightings of the dusky warbler... then it was a mad dash back to upload a couple of the shorelark images before work.

Bluetail still being reported at St Mary's, but no time today.


  1. The top image is just that; top. The best I have seen of this little cracker. Nice one!

  2. I'm surprised the wardens haven't slapped a ticket on it yet :)

  3. Thanks chaps ~ cracking bird and remarkably tricky to photograph - always on the move!
