Monday 8 March 2010

Dusk Visit

I spent a decent but cold half hour at West Hartford this evening.

The main pool held a pair of shelduck and the recently formed melt water pool (just west of the small brick building near the farm) contained a vocal drake mallard and four teal. As darkness encroached the relative action began, with a peregrine heading east (in the near dark at 18:17!), flying steadily over the fields just north of the A192, it skimmed over the top of the new fire station and continued in the diection of East Hartford.

A single short-eared owl  hunted along the fenceline (18:20) and two canada geese dropped into the main pool with the very lastlight (18:25). Along with sub-song from skylark, oystercatcher and pheasant calling and snipe flying about, it was a by West Hartford standards, a quality thirty minutes or so!

1 comment:

  1. Bugger - I did my WHBP hour 1630/1730. No Peregrine, No SEO, No Canadas. Two Shelduck, 10 Oystercatcher, 1 LBBG, other gulls, Mallards and Teal. Never seen an owl of any type this year and no SEOs since 2008!!!! I must try harder (later)!
