Wednesday 17 February 2010

Winter Warmer

I spent a very pleasant couple of hours on the Nursery Park estate in Ashington watching and photographing the 36 strong flock of waxwing.

I arrived not long after two o'clock to find Pete watching the flock in the trees adjacent to the cemetary. During the visit the waxwing remained high up, never coming to an optimum photography level nor feeding on berries (the flock would occassionally fly into the housing estate to feed). However, the light and sky were very nice indeed, so a few shots were rattled off.

Click the image for a larger, sharper version.

More to follow... maybe.


  1. Nice John, much better than I did although I was hampered slightly with three kids in the car and one of the locals practically inviting me in for tea and a potted history of their Waxwing invasion.
