Sunday 4 October 2009

Sun and Gloss

A beautiful day in the north-east of England... I spent most of it at Druridge admiring the much more photograph-able glossy ibis that had chosen to feed directly in front of the Oddie hide. Result!!

I was very glad to finally get close enough to this bird for a decent photo-session without the need for an extender.

This random image is one of 7GB taken today... it's going to take a while to sort through the rest of the files, but it at least provides an insight to the wonderful plumage of this species. I love the iridescent greens on the wings!

I might post another later in the week... there is the small matter of the Pixies gig at Brixton to contend with first though!

Two greenshank were also feeding in the vicinity but my camera did not wander in their direction.


  1. 7GB, not sure I've got that left in memory on my laptop these days.

  2. I saw the Ibis on Sunday and was astounded at the colours, not the dull black/brown bird I had read about.
