Sunday 11 October 2009


A late morning/early afternoon visit to St Mary's Wetland produced glimpses of both firecrest and yellow-browed warbler. Both species were camera shy. Plenty of redwing dropping in, but were very skittish and quickly moved inland and only one goldcrest was seen.

The cemetery at Whitley Bay prove to be quiet, I could not relocate the yellow-brow that had been reported earlier and made do with further redwing, mistle thrush, grey wagtail, great and blue tit.

It was annoying to hear that the radde's at Druridge had been booted a bit this morning after being battered with mp3... anyone remember fieldcraft and patience? Or is that not convenient for "listing" in this day and age?


  1. Redwings moving straight through at Druridge this morning too. I am not sure who had the tape on this morning, as you say, fieldcraft out of the window!

  2. It wasn't me and it wasn't the Quail guy from August as he and I were at St Mary's this morning YBW viewing!

  3. Don't get me started on MP3/tapes.

    It's bad enough in the breeding season but equally inexcusable for tired migrants, in need of a bit of R&R, in coastal cover.

    The minute we interfere with wildlife we've over-stepped the mark.
