Saturday 5 September 2009


Don't worry, this is not a post about Michael George, merely a cunning reference to a quick look at West Hartford this morning.

The visit produced 2 stonechat (both male), 1 dunlin, 2 lapwing a few back-headed and lesser black backed gull and one dead common gull - this adult bird had looked sickly on Friday, so was not really that much of a surprise. Actually, it's my second WH "gull death" - many years ago a herring gull died while I was watching it - it stumbled about a bit then flopped into the water. Nice eh?

I see that Blyth Birder has his 2 ruff back at Bothal. Could do with a greeshank or two to head down from there- WH used to be quite good for this species but it has become sparse of late.

Meadow pipit were vocal this morning and a mixed party of long-tailed, great and blue tit passed along the roadside hedge.

1 comment:

  1. Mad that.

    Asked for them back and they came.

    I'm now going to ask to borrow a Marsh Sandpiper.
