Wednesday 26 November 2008

Snow Goose

Managed to locate the Snow Goose fairly easily this morning - in roadside fields adjacent Crow Hall Farm SW of Old Hartley. Feeding quiet activley with 20 Grey-lags'. Flew north at 11:15, assume back to the Holywell area.


  1. Do you think that this is a wild bird? from your photos it looks as if it is an unringed bird. Did it act like it was a wild bird?

  2. Hi CB - it' certainly timid and wary, and it was feeding more activley than the Grey-lags. Who knows if it's genuine! Worth seeing nevertheless. Right time of year, not the best carrier sp, but we do get icelandic grey-lags...

  3. I saw the bird early afternoon. It was with the greylags but was joined by 8 pinkfeet for a while in flight. There was a shoot going on so all the geese were up in the air. As for the origin; well who can tell? Nice bird to see nonetheless.
