Wednesday 30 November 2011


Just when I thought that the November blog posts were done for the month, news on the phone from both STH and MA had me diverting to Arcot Pond on my journey home from work. I'd already seen the particular birds a couple of weeks ago, but today's connection was much more important as it constituted a Cramlington patch tick! No camera equipment with me, but the trusty bins were in the car - and between goodbyes at work and lunch at home, the two bewick's swan were added to the Cramlington list. Hurrah! Also noted during the quick pit-stop ~ great spotted woodpecker, c30 teal, bhg, cg, pheasant...

Sunday 27 November 2011

Legs Eleven

It was a lovely sunny day, so after a relaxed breakfast I headed north to Hauxley for another crack at the greater yellowlegs. Decent views were had, but all were distant as it kept to a limited area on the eastern shore.

Reports of common crane heading south over Warkworth, then attempts to land at Hadston gave enough reason to divert on the way back mid afternoon, but no connection was made. A single brent goose was with the grey-lags on the reclaimed opencast at West Chevington...

Saturday 26 November 2011

Weak week

First week of work complete, but hindered with a rotten cold! Waxwing noted on two days - 17 on wednesday, 15 on Friday, BSHQ maintains a good waxwing record... This morning breakfast proceedings started well (even with a congested headache) as a garden "second" was observed. Don't get too excited though, the subject was a chaffinch!

Sunday 20 November 2011

In Mourning :(

A late morning potter, mourning the end of a very pleasant two weeks holiday.

Prestwick Carr felt Spring-like weather wise, and it was a distant great grey shrike that reminded of winter. Quality birds, even if not within camera range. I would like one of these at WH please!

Down the road, Big Waters still held two bewick's swan ~ good birds in Northumberland these days. I only viewed from the public end, so no pics taken. A handful of whooper remain.

West Hartford was very quiet and a check of the Horton Burn only revealed a pair of mallard!
No sign of waxwings today, we had 28 next to the house yesterday - they'll still be around though, just a case of bumping into them...

Avoided the crowds for the greaterlegs and EBR (the latter was commented on by my sister visiting Holy Island today)...

Work and a forecast of rain for tomorrow. Great!!!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Friday 18 November 2011

Eastern Black Redstart, Holy Island, 17 Nov 11

Quick post of the splendid eastern black red - again time not on my side, may post some others after I've trawled through them all...

Greater Yellowlegs, Druridge Bay CP, 17 Nov 11

An unexpected bonus on the way back from Holy Island - the light wasn't great, but it was a chance to get my own record images. Hoping it continues to like Hauxley on days with good light...


Nice bonus after a good day out on 17th... what is it about greater yellowlegs? Everytime I see one there are waxwings outside my house.... :)

Thursday 17 November 2011

Cross, east, greater then waxy!

A quick textual update, as another busy day continues to thwart any efforts to edit photographs taken. Started the day well, with flyover crossbill while replenishing the garden bird feeders - a belated Cramlington tick for me! News that the "eastern" black redstart was stills present on Holy island had me heading north on a lovely mild winter day. A chance bump into AC on the road in to the village provided opportunity to return the loan memory card from the recent firecrest fiasco, and prompted a quick about turn to walk in the correct direction to the ebred. What a stunner it was too, looking forward to uploading some images here... The journey back was interrupted by the news that the AWOL greater yellowlegs had been relocated on Druridge Bay CP - twenty minutes later I was there... But views were distant. Some field craft ensued and I eventually got within photographable distance, tho light was fading (14:15!!!). Bizarrely the better images taken were of it on the grassy footpath that encircles the artificial lake! Arriving home the familiar trill of waxwing welcomed me as I unpacked the car - 28 today perched in trees adjacent BSHQ... Pics soon...

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Dawn Raid

Got to Hauxley prior to 8 this morning - a good move as first three birds (in order) were redshank, greater yellowlegs and grey phalarope! Phew!

Too dark for any pics, but extremely close views from wader hide (unable to focus 500mm lens)

Took some mobile phone video, it may appear here later.

Hope they stick till later in week, as it's a busy day today....

Got home and there were 20 waxwing in the tree outside the house!

Monday 14 November 2011

Bottled it...

Got back to BS HQ just after 15:00 and dusk was setting in!!!!!

Time is not on my side this first half of the week, so it'll be an early attempt on Tuesday for the 'legs.

The last week has been spent on a non-birding trip to Miami... it was thirsty work on South Beach (and a bit warmer than the Blyth equivalent).


Stranded in Heathrow airport... Will the yellowlegs stick? Will failing light beat me? Mmm....

Saturday 5 November 2011


... Pink-footed geese north over the house late afternoon - a house "tick".

Tuesday 1 November 2011


A sunny afternoon today, the first day of November! Took advantage of an early shift at work and headed back down to West Hartford for a couple of hours. They were more productive than yesterdays visit (it was a very dull afternoon).

Nothing "new" seen during the visits, but I rarely get bored of the short-eared owls! Three again this afternoon - taking flight as the sun started to set.. This provided "opportunities" for photography - strong orange casts on the images, tricky autofocus and ever increasing notch ups of ISO to maintain an exposure (or not!)...

Few pics from the trip out. Still room for improvement, but opportunites to spend time in the local field will decrease a bit soon.



Light seriously going...

Dusk fly-through, ISO 1600